27th – 29th of November 2024
Madrid. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) Headquarters
Genetic trial (or common garden) networks are an essential infrastructure which provide experimental data to address different aspects of the adaptation, evolution, conservation and sustainable use of forest tree species under climate change.
However, many of the networks established in the past, had one single major objective: the selection of best material for afforestation, with strong biases in their choice of populations and sites.
Reciently, new tools (phenotyping, genotyping, environmental modelling) have been developed, making it necessary to revisit the analysis of existing networks. As scientists we can provide insights for stakeholders in order to replace and improve these networks in the light of the new scientific and practical developments.
Scientists and Managers of genetic trials networks. Short presentations and discussions will be organized in different sessions.
- To examine the state of the art of existing genetic trials network
- Advanced experimental designs to address the main aim of field experiments
- To discuss the application of new tools (phenotyping, genotyping, modelling).
- To discuss data sharing, repositories and analytical methods.
- To provide recommendations for new genetic trial networks.
- To discuss on a policy paper on forest genetic trials networks.
Practical aspects
Meeting language: English
Registration: 31th August 2024 (to be confirmed the webpage or other method).
Location: C/ Jorge Manrique - CSIC Headquarters, in Madrid (Spain)
Participation will be limited to 40 people.
Accomodation: Up to 15 rooms are available in the “Residencia de Estudiantes” an historical hotel on the CSIC campus.
Organized by IUFRO WP 2.02.13 Breeding and Genetic Resources of Mediterranean Conifers
In collaboration with: RG 2.04.00 Genetics. and WP 2.04.02 Breeding strategy and progeny evaluation
On-site Meeting
Welcome, Registration and Coffee breaks: CSIC Sala 6010. C/ Pinar 25
Meeting Room: Sede Central CSIC. Salón de Actos Calle Jorge Manrique 27. Madrid
How to arrive to CSIC:
Taxi: from airport, cost 35€ (fixed)
Public transport
Metro: Gregorio Marañón (Líneas 7 & 10) República Argentina (Línea 6)
Buses: To Calle Serrano: buses 9, 16, 19 & 51
To Paseo de la Castellana: buses 7, 12, 14, 27, 40, 45, 147 & 150
Train: Cercanías Nuevos Ministerios
Online meeting
Link to the Online meeting. Access code: 919992
All the participants have to be identified by their family name to get access to the conference.
Please, check the access to the link. It will be open the 26th of November (from 15 to 16 h, Madrid time) and on the 27th of November (from 10 to 12). You can check the video and audio.
For those presenting online: Send the presentation to dbarba@inia.csic.es at least one day in advance. We will made the presentation from the computer in Madrid to avoid problems of connection.
Questions should be made in the Chat, to avoid problems of connection.
27th November 2024
12.00 to 12.45. Registration and Welcome (Lunch included)
13.00 to 13.30. Opening of the Workshop
13.30 to 15:00 Forest genetic common garden Networks
Forest genetic common gardens: just for genetic improvement or an opportunity for understanding the ecology and evolution of forest trees?". |
Raúl de la Mata Pombo |
Development of a network for Pinus pinaster genetic trials in Portugal |
Elsa Gonçalves |
A new generation of multi-species common gardens: the OptFORESTS Experimental Network |
Marjana Westergren |
The Reinforce experimental Network |
Christophe Orazio |
15.00 to 15,30. Coffee break
15.30 to 16.30 Forest genetic common garden Networks
Progeny and provenance test for amazon species in Peru: 30 years of research |
Leoncio Ugarte Guerra |
MyGardenOfTrees: A Citizen Science project for climate-resilient forests in Europe.From regeneration trials in the forest to common garden experiments. |
Daniella Maria Schweizer |
Olman Murillo |
16.30 to 17.00 General discussion.
28th November 2024
9.00 to 10.30 Forest genetic common garden Networks
The scientific value of common garden trials: case study of Scots pine in Scotland |
Annika Perry |
Re-launching the international beech network: from across-site phenotypic evaluations to the molecular level with genomics |
Liepe, Katharina |
The Belvédère community garden for a more sustainable Tunis |
Saida Hammami |
The Genfored network of common gardens |
Eduardo Notivol |
10.30 to 11.00. Coffee break
11.00 to 12.30 Mesauring adaptation of forest trees
Linking phenotypic data with ecological drivers in a changing climate |
Maurizio Marchi |
New common garden trials of European white oaks aim to support climate-smart seed sourcing |
Charalambos Neophytou |
Developing recommendations for deployment of adaptable forest reproductive material matched to future climates using common garden experiments in the OptFORESTS project |
Egbert Beuker |
Relation between morphology and native climate in the resistance of different Pinus pinaster populations to pitch canker disease |
Raquel Díaz Vázquez |
12.30 to 14.00 Lunch
14.00 to 15:00 New approaches
The value of pedigree reconstruction in evaluating the kinship of progenies of clonal seed orchards and improving breeding efficiency |
Paraskevi Alizoti |
Experimental methodology for clonal forest genetic trials” |
Isabel Carrasquinho |
Post hoc experimental designs improve genetic trial analyses: A case study of cherrybark oak (Quercus pagoda Raf.) genetic evaluation in the western Gulf region |
Chen Ding |
15.00 to 15:30 coffee break
15.30 to 16:30 New approaches
The design Double Tree Plot |
Olman Murillo |
Role of phylogeographic structure and climate in modulating genetic and plastic changes and their interdependence in fitness traits of a widespread Mediterranean conifer |
Jordi Voltas |
Breeding program in Catalonia |
Rut Sanchez Bragado |
16.30 to17.00 General discussion
29th November 2024
9.00 to 11.00.
CartograPlant: Cyberinfrastructure to help improve forest health and productivity in a changing climate |
Irene Cobo |
Functional variation of Pinus pinaster provenances growing under constrasting environments |
Jose Alberto Ramirez- Valiente |
Leaf spectroscopy reveals drought response variation in Fagus sylvatica saplings from across the species' range |
Sofia van Moorsel |
Tbc |
Luis sampedro |
Trade-offss in breeding |
Jose Climent |
11.00 to 11.30. Coffee break
11.30 to 13.00. Round table. Future of Forest genetic common gardens
13.00 Close of the Workshop and Conclussions
13.15 to 14.00. Lunch
European Projects: OptFORESTS and FORGENIUS EU Projects.

And National projects: PID2022-140521OB-C32 and MITECO2023-AF. 20234TE003 (Programa Nacional de Mejora Genética).