Workshop on Forest Genetic Common Gardens

27th – 29th of November 2024

Madrid. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) Headquarters


Genetic trial (or common garden)  networks are an essential infrastructure which provide experimental data to address different aspects of the adaptation, evolution, conservation and sustainable use of forest tree species under climate change.

However, many of the networks established in the past, had one single  major objective:  the selection of best material for afforestation, with strong  biases in their choice of  populations and sites.

Reciently, new tools (phenotyping, genotyping, environmental modelling) have been developed, making it necessary to revisit the analysis of existing networks. As scientists we can provide insights for stakeholders in order to replace and improve these networks in the light of the new scientific and practical developments.


Scientists and Managers of genetic trials networks. Short presentations and discussions will be organized in different sessions.


  • To examine the state of the art of existing genetic trials network
  • Advanced experimental designs to address the main aim of field experiments
  • To discuss the application of new tools (phenotyping, genotyping, modelling).
  • To discuss data sharing, repositories and analytical methods.
  • To provide recommendations for new genetic trial networks.
  • To discuss on a policy paper on forest genetic trials networks.

Practical aspects

Meeting language: English

Registration: 31th August 2024 (to be confirmed the webpage or other method).

Location: C/ Jorge Manrique - CSIC Headquarters, in Madrid (Spain)

Participation will be limited to 40 people.

Accomodation: Up to 15 rooms are available in the “Residencia de Estudiantes” an historical hotel on the CSIC campus.

Organized by IUFRO WP 2.02.13 Breeding and Genetic Resources of Mediterranean Conifers

In collaboration with: RG 2.04.00 Genetics. and WP 2.04.02 Breeding strategy and progeny evaluation

                                                                                     REGISTRATION FORM

European Projects: OptFORESTS and FORGENIUS EU Projects.

And  National projects: PID2022-140521OB-C32 and MITECO2023-AF. 20234TE003 (Programa Nacional de Mejora Genética).